
Merupakan proses atau upaya memperoleh sejumlah informasi mengenai perkembangan siswa selama kegiatan pembelajaran sebagai bahan guru untuk mengetahui dan memperbaiki proses dan hasil belajar.

Asesmen merupakan penilaian menyeluruh meliputi semua aspek dari kognitif, motorik, psikomotorik dan afektif. 

Secara konseptual asesmen yang menyeluruh sudah ada di kurikulum 2013 namun pada sisi praktek belum bisa diterapkan. 

Banyak guru yang ingin berubah menjadi baik tapi banyak juga guru yang ingin dalam status quo-nya, seperti ini saja, dan belum mau merubah paradigma mengajarnya.

Selain itu, pemerintah yang menargetkan KKM terlalu tinggi membuat guru lebih fokus kepada bagaimana mengejar target pelajaran agar sampai pada nilai KKM dari pemerintah, untuk sekolah yang sudah mapan tidak masalah tapi akan beda di sekolah biasa yang ingin menaikkan akreditasinya. Setiap sekolah berlomba mencari akreditasi tinggi. 

Rick Stiggins mengatakan tentang Asesmen.

“if you want to appear accountable,  test your students;

if you want to improve schools, teach teacher to assess their student;

if you want to maximize learning; teach students to assess themselves”

Referensi lain tentang Asesmen. 

Setelah mendapatkan quote bagus dari Stiggins di atas, saya terus mendalami materi ini sampai saya berhenti di sebuah website Edu Week yang menyebutkan beberapa tanggapan menarik bagaimana mengajak murid belajar. 

Walaupun tema ini agak melenceng dari Asesmen, tapi saya ingin sekali membagikan ini dan agar note ini bisa tersimpan di blog, dan mudah saya dapatkan kembali ketika akan mencari. 

Julia Thompson menulis:

  • When students are engaged in learning, there is movement and laughter and sometimes lots of noise. They are up and out of their seats involved in activities that promote thought, creativity, and discovery. Students are busy, self-disciplined, and best of all, willing to take responsibility for their own learning because they understand that what they are doing is important.
  • We need to provide our students with activities that are innovative and challenging as well as purposeful if we want them to be engaged in learning. Although there are many different factors to consider when designing instruction meant to engage students of various ages, there are some easy-to-implement universal strategies that can be used to increase the engagement potential in instructional activities.
  • When students can set their own goals for assignments and then work to achieve those goals, then their work takes on a serious and meaningful purpose.Help students stay on the right track by providing opportunities for frequent self-checks and plenty of other formative assessments to that they can monitor their own progress. Make it easy for students to be aware of how well they are doing, and you will make it easy for them to stay engaged in a learning activity.
  • Create activities and assignments that are challenging but attainable. Students should have to work and think to succeed, but the potential for success should always be clearly evident.It seems obvious, but to engage students be sure to provide the materials, supplies, and other resources needed for successful completion of the work. For example, try to avoid the trap of assuming that students have access to the Internet or a public library when they are not in class.
  • Be positive with your students. Instead of just telling them what is wrong with their work, focus on what they are doing correctly. If you don’t believe that they will succeed, then the engagement potential in an assignment will vanish.
  • Offer as many choices and optional assignments as is reasonably possible. Students who have the ability to make sensible choices about their work will find it intrinsically engaging because their choices provide a sense of ownership.
  • Design lessons that call for students to interact with students in other classrooms across the globe, to creatively use technology and other media, and to solve authentic problems. The possibilities for engagement are endless when students can see that what they do in your class can be applied to real-life situations.
  • Don’t underestimate your students’ delight in having fun as they work. Appeal to their playful natures when you provide assignments that call for them to solve puzzles or problems, play games, watch humorous videos, or write answers on anything other than paper. 
Baca juga:   Tentang KTSP: Permasalahan, Kelebihan, Kekurangan dan Tantangannya

Jumal Ahmad
Jumal Ahmad

Jumal Ahmad Ibnu Hanbal menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana pada jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Magister Pengkajian Islam di SPS UIN Jakarta. Aktif di lembaga Islamic Character Development dan Aksi Peduli Bangsa.

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