Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may the mercy of Allaah be upon him), after the condolence of his wife (Umm al-Saalih) (may the mercy of Allaah be upon her) explained to the people regarding their caring relationship and the secret of their strong relation in a very short statement. After his wife passed away from this world he used to praise her, he said, “By Allaah, I lived with her for 30 years and we did not argue (or had an argument) not even once”.
They asked him, how is this possible or we can say, what was the secret of your strong relation and bond? He replied in a very beautiful manner, “Whenever she used to get upset with me and tried to argue with me, I used to stay quite and whenever I used to get upset with her and tried to argue with her, she used to stay quite.”
Refer: Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee, Taareekh Baghdaad, 16:626
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