Instructional Methodology of Sabak, Sabki and Manzil

Hifdh is a rigorous task that requires a very structured and organized approach and hifdh instruction takes place under the direct tutelage of the Ustadth (Hifdh teacher).  This learning is the connection a student is establishing with the historical, oral Qur’anic tradition which goes back to the Prophet Muhammad (saw).

And now here I want share with you how I have been taught to learn the Quran at the noble Bina Qalbu school, which tehnics, metodologies could I share with you. Following is an outline of the process we applying there.

Sabak (new lesson) – Sabak is an Urdu word which means lesson.  It refers to a new lesson memorized at night to be presented to the teacher on the following day.  The more fluent the student is with the sabaq, the easier for him/her to maintain the Qur’an.

When you have memorized really well a page or more memorized from the night before, you would read it to your Ustadz Tahfidz would get you mistakes out etc.

Sabki (recent lessons) – Sabki are the recently memorized verses that are recited on a daily basis.  This practice helps to reinforce long-term retention as new verses committed to memory are easily forgotten.

For example, if you was halfway through the 17th Juz, the half of the 17th that you read, along with the previous juz (16) was called “Sabki”.  When you are memorizing, MAKE SURE your Sabki is really strong, because once you move on, you wont really get to look over it after, so if it wasn’t strong while it was fresh in your mind, it will be really broken once you havent read that juz in a month.

Baca juga:   Keutamaan Menghafal Al-Quran

Manzil (old lessons) – Once a student has memorized a substantial amount of the Qur’an, it will then be necessary for him/her to routinely maintain this knowledge.  This is done by dividing the Qur’an into portions.  Each portion will be recited in sequence and repeated on a regular cycle.

Each student will be provided with an individual learning plan and tracking log and all the three above mentioned lessons will be recorded daily in this book.

Once you finish memorizing a juz, listen to that juz and listen really carefully to get mistakes out. Listening helped you get all the “small” mistakes out, which aren’t really small if you think about it. You don’t need to listen for every sabak, but you can if you want. The best way to get mistakes out is to listen to the whole juz at once, right when you finish memorizing a juz.

Alhamdulillah, Allah gave some kids in my class the tawfeeq to finish hifz, and now they are basically just revising and trying to make it fluent.

Please make our dua inshallah.

Penelitian Jumal Ahmad tentang Efektivitas Metode Pakistani di Pesantren Tahfidz Bina Qolbu. (pdf)

Jumal Ahmad
Jumal Ahmad

Jumal Ahmad Ibnu Hanbal menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana pada jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Magister Pengkajian Islam di SPS UIN Jakarta. Aktif di lembaga Islamic Character Development dan Aksi Peduli Bangsa.

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