Menulis Karya Ilmiah Bersama Shierly Ann Baker

Ibu Sharley menjelaskan pentingnya ‘WHY’ dalam menulis sebuah jurnal atau tugas ilmiah, bukan hanya sampai pada ‘How’ dan ‘What’ saja. Artinya mengapa kita memilih tema itu dan pertanyaan sejenisnya menjadi penting. Maka sebelum menulis tugas ilmiah harus dimulai dari outline dan clustering.

Membuat outline terdiri dari:

  1. Main Point
  2. Supporting Details

Dan clustering seperti diagram yang berpusat dari satu main point kemudian menyebar spporting detail.

Sejak awal tahun 1980-an belajar menulis mulai berpindah dari menulis produk kepada proses menulis. Secara garis besar proses menulis terdiri dari Prewriting – Writing – Evaluating – Revising – Evaluating & Editing dan Terakhir Publishing.


Dan berikut ini penjelasan dari poin di atas yang saya ambilkan dari High performance-nya.

Advanced for Essay Writing

  • An intriduction statement or paragraph, that leads logically into a thesis statement.
  • A thesis statement that expresses the controlling idea of the essay.
  • An appropriate number of body paragraphs with and effective concluding paragraph.
  • The use of an appropriate rhetorical method.
  • The use of mature transitions both within and between parapgraphs.
  • Body paragraphs which each contain a topic sentence and specific, logical example.
  • Mature vocabulary development.
  • More mature sentences than simple sentences.
  • Generally correct coordination and subordination with some punctuation errors.
  • Generally correct manipulation of verb tenses.
  • Use of paralellism corrective conjunctions and verbal phrases with some errors.
  • Generally between 10 and 20 word level errors, including agreement, plural forms, word forms, word choice, pronoun reference, spelling, articles and prepositions.

High Performance for Writing Organization

  • Evidence of Planning
  • A logical and effective sequence of ideas while showing several facets to any single idea.
  • Effective transitions that facilite smooth movement between ideas
  • A sustained idea or theme from the begining, through the middle, and to the end.
  • Main points are focused and identified easily.
Baca juga:   Kewajiban Publikasi Karya Ilmiah di SPs UIN Jakarta

High Performance for Writing Development

  • A planned method in the development of a theme, moving from a definite beginning to a definitive end
  • Emphasizes and ellaborates several facets of each idea.
  • The details for each main point develop in proportion to their importance within the details.
  • Appropriate extensive or less than extensive detail, depending on the target audience of the writing.
  • Arguments, examples, facts, opinions, and details support the main poins and lend credibility to each point.

High Performance for Writing Mechanics: Proofreading/ Editing

  • A board range of effective usage and a variety of structure within sentences.
  • Sentence length controlled to suite the topic and type of writing.
  • Spelling and punctuation are consistenly correct.
  • Writer can use punctuation for a desired effect.
  • Mechanics are used to enhance style and produce clarity

High Performance for Writing Diction

  • Words choosen dor effect
  • Mood established and maintained through precise word choice.
  • Level usage sustained and appropriate for the intended audience.
  • Puns, cliches and slang may be inconporated to gain desired effect.
  • Varied words and usage replace ineffective repetition.
  • Effective transitional devices create a smooth flow within the prose.
  • An economy of words assits the development of the ideas.

Literature Review Guidlines

  • Choose a topic.
  • Compile a working reference list.
  • Read and summarize the materials gathered.
  • Write the literature review.
  • Prepare the reference list.
  • Carefully edit your writing.
  • Be proud of your work

Sumber: Academic Writing tanggal 28 dan 29 September di SPs UIN Jakarta.

Jumal Ahmad
Jumal Ahmad

Jumal Ahmad Ibnu Hanbal menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana pada jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Magister Pengkajian Islam di SPS UIN Jakarta. Aktif di lembaga Islamic Character Development dan Aksi Peduli Bangsa.


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